Thursday, October 25, 2007

l year anniversary

A very very special Day

Good Morning to my family and friends.

One year ago today, many of us remember as a devasting day which had to come.

Our special man, to many of us full of love, kindness and respect for all of us entered into a new journey.

His smile, his eyes, self determination towards his job - always working with pride in his work, his joking manner in which he dealt with many life challenges using his gift of humor -he did enjoy making us laugh. Being dependable we always knew he was there to help with any of us -- all we had to do was ask - no complaints. So very special indeed.

Bravery, courage and love, he taught us all so much - and continues to do so.

One year, it is hard to believe. Oh yes there have been days that were longer than ever. Moments that flood into mind with power that leaves one with a true sense of mixed emotion. But a smile comes quickly knowing that David is at peace. He is
well. He is happy. He is always with us. I feel his hand within my hand many times. I feel his eyes looking through mine as I gaze across the ocean here in Nova Scotia.

I awoke at 5 a.m. this morning. No alarm needed I awoke peacefully. The exact time which David crossed over.
Peace overcame me and I spoke to him.
His love continues to us all. We are so blessed.

I wanted to share this day with all of you. No matter where you are, we are close in thought today as we remember David.
I Love You, He loves You,
Continue with your journey of life and remember to be content. So simple many things are around us, it is to take the time to even realize that they are there. Enjoy and remember the good days.

Love to you all. You are special to me.

I wanted to share this special day with you all. I am thinking of you no matter where you are and I know that you will take a special moment today to think of your father, son, brother, brother-in-law,uncle,best friend no matter the title he IS Thinking
of you.

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